Manual For Solar Box Cookers

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This manual is mainly for those who want to promote the use of solar cookers by teaching and training others in their home countries. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but more as an introduction to the wide variety of different ways in which solar energy may be used for cooking. It introduces a number of solar box cooker models. Some of them are older models, which we have had a lot of experience with. The newer models are interesting, but still have to be developed and tested carefully.

The details..

"Tekniikka Elamaa Palvelemaan, Technology for Life" is a comprehensive manual that teaches readers how to build and use solar box cookers. The book was published by Finnish non-governmental organization (NGO), Technology For Life, in 1995 with a new version released in 1998. This manual serves as an introduction to the many different ways that solar energy can be used for cooking.

The first half of this book explains why it's important to use solar box cookers: they reduce deforestation caused by firewood collection; improve health outcomes through pasteurization temperatures achieved during water heating; decrease indoor air pollution from open fires without chimneys or ventilation; preserve micronutrients better than traditional cookers do; save time spent collecting firewood - mostly done by women and children - allowing them more opportunities for education or other activities while also saving money on fuel costs.

The second half of the book covers practical information about constructing and maintaining various models of solar box cookers including basic rules for building one yourself such as materials needed, instructions on directing sunlight into your cooker, suitable pots/pans sizes/types etc., maintenance/care tips like cleaning after each use so food doesn't stick/burn onto surfaces over time causing damage/inefficiency when trying again later down line!

Finally there are recipes provided specifically designed around cooking with these types of devices! Overall "Tekniikka Elamaa Palvelemaan" offers valuable insights into promoting sustainable living practices globally while providing useful knowledge/skills necessary if you're interested in learning how-to make/use your own DIY Solar Box Cooker.

Resource Info

Page count: 23
Size: 334kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available